Strona 9 z 38

Re: Aktualizacje

: 06 wrz 2023, 10:48
autor: sMarcin
rsmiech pisze: 21 cze 2023, 15:31 ... sp=sharing
Update 1940.
Czy ten plik zadziała też w Leon ST310 z obecną wersją 1898?

Re: Aktualizacje

: 08 wrz 2023, 18:38
autor: rsmiech
Sprawdz wg. mnie powinien być ok. Jesli sie zbrikuje, oddasz do serwisu, że nie dziala. Oni to ogarną. "No risk no fun" :-)

Re: Aktualizacje

: 10 wrz 2023, 15:30
autor: MacGul
Dostałem właśnie aktualizacje OTA -> OUI2,
po aktualizacji zmienił się numerek wersji w MIB na
5FA035862S, zmieniła się tez wersja software modułu telematyki(75) z 0142 na 0144.
Czyli wyglada ze użyto MIB do aktualizowania innych sterowników.
Przedtem miałem wersje 1896, sam zaktualizowałem do 1940

Re: Aktualizacje

: 10 wrz 2023, 22:29
autor: rsmiech
już sprawdzam aktualne wersjie softów.
Właśnie w piątek u mnie też poszła OTA -> OUI2, zauważyłem tylko że podczas aktualizacji przestał działać SOS i pojawił się błąd na desce.
Jestem ciekaw odnośnie możliwości upgradu modułów przez OTA.
Właśnie w piątek odbierałem auto po serwisie 30kkm, gdzie prosiłem o upgrade 09 elektryki do wersji 0177 i dźwięku 47 do 4319 lub nowszych.
Xja zrobili. Podczas odbioru od ASO usłyszałem, "... dodatkowo (nie tylko te dwa o które Pan prosił) zrobiliśmy upgrade wszystkich sterowników, został przeprowadzony pozytywnie, jednak nasz diagnosta informuje, że w Pana samochodzie wersje firmware po upgradzie pozostają niezmienione ... " JP... lE brak słów.
U mnie tematyka 75 była już wcześniej w 0144 zaś 09 w wersji 0175 a 47 w 4316

Masz całość, przed OTA:

Car: Seat Cupra Formentor
Year: 2022
Body type: SUV
Engine: DNFB
Mileage: 30088 KM

811E Burglary Protection Control Module VL

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADVL37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

811F Burglary Protection Control Module VR

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADVR37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

8120 Burglary Protection Control Module HL

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADHL37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

8121 Burglary Protection Control Module HR

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADHR37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

01 Engine

System description: R4 2.0l TFS
Software number: 5FF906259
Software version: 0005
Hardware number: 06K907425N
Hardware version: H08
ODX name: EV_ECM20TFS0205FF906259
ODX version: 001006
Long coding: 0B2540322466050B300C0000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

02 Transmission

System description: GSG DQ381
Software number: 0GC906557AB
Software version: 4162
Hardware number: 0GC300013H
Hardware version: H06
ODX name: EV_TCMDQ381062
ODX version: 001001
Long coding: 0014

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

03 Brakes

System description: ESC
Software number: 5WA614517BL
Software version: 0133
Hardware number: 5WA614517N
Hardware version: H13
Serial number: 63381000003755
ODX version: 013056
Long coding: 56046A9956246A71527F6C0936C465A64A520B558AC8670821BCB635019FF900002814

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

08 Air Conditioning

System description: Climatronic
Software number: 5WA907727AD
Software version: 0440
Hardware number: 5WA907727AD
Hardware version: H02
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_ACClimaBHBVW38X
ODX version: 005069
Long coding: 000000240211120010100010101011110000112100200000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

09 Central Electrics

System description: BCM37w_M1
Software number: 5WA937086AF
Software version: 0175
Hardware number: 5WA937086M
Hardware version: 028
Serial number: BXJ53F29012294060328
ODX name: EV_BCM37w
ODX version: 007001

Trouble codes:
C10CA00 - Limp home active
Date: 2023-08-23 02:20:34
Mileage: 29671 km
Priority: 1
Malfunction frequency counter: 44
Unlearning counter: 39
Terminal 15 status: Off
Terminal 50 status: Off
Engine running: Off
Status of brake lamp switch, discrete: Off
Brake lamp switch via CAN, status: Off
Voltage: 12.7 V
Outside air temperature: 20.0 °C
Light switch position: Automatic

13 Adaptive Cruise Control

System description: ACC Bosch MQB
Software number: 5WA907572B
Software version: 0395
Hardware number: 5WA907572
Hardware version: H20
ODX version: 004017
Long coding: 0E0308FF407740451247400000400004AE4020000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

14 Wheel Dampening

System description: DAEMPFUNGS-SG
Software number: 1EA907376C
Software version: 0457
Hardware number: 1EA907376
Hardware version: H05
Serial number: 2C767324121409210566
ODX version: 002006

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

15 Airbag

System description: VW40Airbag
Software number: 1EA959655DM
Software version: 0176
Hardware number: 1EA959655DM
Hardware version: 010
Serial number: W045QbE0261
ODX name: EV_AirbaVW40ALVVW38X
ODX version: 001012
Long coding: 88CC008000C0C000000000000000000051540000205400004000F68000130065

Trouble codes:
U112300 - Databus error value received

17 Dashboard

System description: KOMBI
Software number: 5FA920790B
Software version: 5356
Hardware number: 5FA920790B
Hardware version: 220
ODX name: EV_DashBoardVDDMQB37W
ODX version: 003033
Long coding: 04AE04413B9C00080181720B2000080800300000

Trouble codes:
U105400 - Information electronics control module 1 No Communication
Date: 2023-09-06 18:46:07
Mileage: 29985 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 209
U105400 - Information electronics control module 1 No Communication
Date: 2023-09-06 18:46:07
Mileage: 29985 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 209
U14FE00 - Secure Onboard Communication Signature inspection failed
Date: 2023-08-24 10:37:15
Mileage: 29779 km
Priority: 1
Malfunction frequency counter: 3
Unlearning counter: 255
B184C00 - Release active
Date: 2022-08-06 21:55:08
Mileage: 7296 km
Priority: 3
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 5
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-08-22 22:49:31
Mileage: 29671 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 145

19 Gateway

System description: GW2020 High
Software number: 5WA907530Q
Software version: 7099
Hardware number: 5WA907530G
Hardware version: 756
Serial number: 77104905002203302868
ODX name: EV_GatewMQB2020
ODX version: 005011
Long coding: 0000808D0F00000000000000012303127101610B02000100030100000001010000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
U112400 - Data bus Additional installations detected
Date: 2023-08-22 22:49:30
Mileage: 29671 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 51
Unlearning counter: 40
U140600 - Static current too high
Date: 2023-08-23 02:20:32
Mileage: 29671 km
Priority: 5
Malfunction frequency counter: 4
Unlearning counter: 33
B1802F1 - NV-Energy management Alarm triggered
Date: 2023-08-29 11:53:57
Mileage: 29825 km
Priority: 3
Malfunction frequency counter: 2
Unlearning counter: 31
---: 126
U105000 - Battery monitoring control module No Communication
Date: 2023-08-29 11:53:57
Mileage: 29825 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 4
Unlearning counter: 31

22 All Wheel Control

System description: 4Motion
Software number: 5WA907554M
Software version: 0657
Hardware number: 5WA525130
Hardware version: H65
Serial number: HA1-00030.11.2100061464
ODX name: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X
ODX version: 005001
Long coding: 0001

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

23 Brake Boost

System description: EBKV
Software number: 5WA909059Q
Software version: 0309
Hardware number: 3Q0909059D
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: BPA08512012201307664
ODX name: EV_BrakeBoostG2BoschVW37W
ODX version: 016028
Long coding: 5003C5009600007BEFBDF7DE000049922449922400

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

2B Steering Column Lock

System description: ELV-MQBB
Software number: 2Q0905861B
Software version: 0040
Hardware number: 2Q0905861B
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: 21000343025003
ODX version: 002004
Long coding: 8800000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

36 Driver Seat

System description: MEM-FS
Software number: 5WA959760H
Software version: 0362
Hardware number: 5WA959760H
Hardware version: 009
Serial number: 21C1201KA01361
ODX name: EV_SCMDriveSideCONTIAU736
ODX version: 006013
Long coding: 01589A000000A0408803010101010000000000212100000000000000215000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

3C Lane Change Assistant Right

System description: HRE_Master
Software number: 2Q0907686E
Software version: 0284
Hardware number: 2Q0907686E
Hardware version: H25
Serial number: 00000591032913
ODX name: EV_HREntryHellaGen3Mstr
ODX version: 001015
Long coding: 5A9545D0

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

42 Driver Door

System description: TSG FS
Software number: 5Q4959593P
Software version: 0912
Hardware number: 5Q4959593P
Hardware version: 011
Serial number: 0000457699212
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 00351020D200020000001020

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

44 Steering Assistance

System description: BASGEN1MQB37
Software number: 5WA907145G
Software version: 1040
Hardware number: 5WA907145C
Hardware version: 502
Serial number: 00839097
ODX name: EV_SteerAssisBASGEN1MQB37
ODX version: 007046
Long coding: 0000000000000001000102010100010000000101010101

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

47 Sound System

System description: AMPeth12C
Software number: 5H0035456A
Software version: 4316
Hardware number: 5H0035456A
Hardware version: H06
Serial number: A1129C00091106
ODX name: EV_AMPEthMQB37w
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 43800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

52 Passenger Door

System description: TSG BFS
Software number: 5Q4959592P
Software version: 0912
Hardware number: 5Q4959592P
Hardware version: 011
Serial number: 0000459933383
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 00351020DE00020000001020

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

5F Multimedia

System description: MU-O-ND-EU
Software number: 5FA035862S
Software version: 1940
Hardware number: 5FA035862A
Hardware version: H58
Serial number: WG8LGM17012200012958
ODX version: 001002
Long coding: 43161000000180000000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

6C Rear View Camera

System description: RV eCompact
Software number: 5WA980556D
Software version: 0344
Hardware number: 5WA980556B
Hardware version: H30
Serial number: FCLK2003022201014826
ODX name: EV_CamSysRVCCompaFicos
ODX version: 010024
Long coding: 04033220843000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

75 Telematics

System description: OCU3HMQB37W
Software number: 5WA035284C
Software version: 0142
Hardware number: 5WA035284C
Hardware version: H12
Serial number: 0000000109VISMA64622
ODX version: 002012
Long coding: 043160009068AC209025460061502E07

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

76 Parking Assistance

System description: PLA 12 Kanal
Software number: 5WA919298B
Software version: 0578
Hardware number: 5WA919298
Hardware version: H05
Serial number: 00003101229558030623
ODX name: EV_EPHBO2CVW3800000
ODX version: 002028
Long coding: 8200026011

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

A5 Driver Assistance

System description: MQB MFK 3.0
Software number: 5WA980653C
Software version: 3302
Hardware number: 5WA980653
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: E8264570422019003118
ODX name: EV_MFK3ValeoMQB
ODX version: 005050
Long coding: 00030898216CC040109540801020002000418000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
B2F0100 - Development code 1
Date: 2023-08-23 09:02:12
Mileage: 29673 km
Priority: 9
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 0

A9 Structure Borne Sound

System description: SAS-GEN 2.5
Software number: 5FF907159D
Software version: 0001
Hardware number: 4K0907159
Hardware version: H08
Serial number: 220110290278
ODX name: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X
ODX version: 003010

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

B7 Start System Interface

System description: Kessy IOBOX
Software number: 5WA959436J
Software version: 0725
Hardware number: 5WA959436J
Hardware version: 100
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_Kessy37w
ODX version: 004024

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

CA Sunroof

System description: SAD_STG_1
Software number: 4K0907594AC
Software version: 0002
Hardware number: 4K0907594
Hardware version: 006
ODX name: EV_SunRoofCONTIAU736
ODX version: 009011
Long coding: 608040531632

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

D6 LED Module Left

System description: LED1L
Software number: 992941571AE
Software version: 9202
Hardware number: 992941571A
Hardware version: H08
ODX version: 001003

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

D7 LED Module Right

System description: LED1R
Software number: 992941571AE
Software version: 9202
Hardware number: 992941571A
Hardware version: H08
ODX version: 001003

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

Re: Aktualizacje

: 10 wrz 2023, 23:29
autor: rsmiech
MacGul pisze: 10 wrz 2023, 15:30 Dostałem właśnie aktualizacje OTA -> OUI2,
po aktualizacji zmienił się numerek wersji w MIB na
5FA035862S, zmieniła się tez wersja software modułu telematyki(75) z 0142 na 0144.
Czyli wyglada ze użyto MIB do aktualizowania innych sterowników.
Przedtem miałem wersje 1896, sam zaktualizowałem do 1940
podobnie jak Ty sam zaktualizowałem do 1940 i wówczas wersja zmieniła się z 5FA035862L na 5FA035862S

Ostatnie OTA nie wprowadziło mi żadnych modyfikacji, poza przejściowymi błędami w SOS i multimediach 5F.

* AKTUALIZACJA: Potwierdzam ostatnie OTA -> OUI2 zmieniło telematyke 75 ze 142 na 144! *

Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że aktualizacja do 1940 zawiesza tylną konsolę klimatyzacyjną, trzeba to odblokować jak opisano w wątku tu:

Re: Aktualizacje

: 10 wrz 2023, 23:37
autor: rsmiech
Dla dociekliwych
Skan z 20 minut, można porównać:

Date: 2023-09-10 23:01

Car: Seat Cupra Formentor
Year: 2022
Body type: SUV
Engine: DNFB
Mileage: 30192 KM

811E Burglary Protection Control Module VL

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADVL37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

811F Burglary Protection Control Module VR

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADVR37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

8120 Burglary Protection Control Module HL

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADHL37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

8121 Burglary Protection Control Module HR

System description: Kessy RSAD
Software number: 5WA962133B
Software version: 0636
Hardware number: 5WA962133B
Hardware version: 070
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_RSADHR37w
ODX version: 002013

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

01 Engine

System description: R4 2.0l TFS
Software number: 5FF906259
Software version: 0005
Hardware number: 06K907425N
Hardware version: H08
ODX name: EV_ECM20TFS0205FF906259
ODX version: 001006
Long coding: 0B2540322466050B300C0000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

02 Transmission

System description: GSG DQ381
Software number: 0GC906557AB
Software version: 4162
Hardware number: 0GC300013H
Hardware version: H06
ODX name: EV_TCMDQ381062
ODX version: 001001
Long coding: 0014

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

03 Brakes

System description: ESC
Software number: 5WA614517BL
Software version: 0133
Hardware number: 5WA614517N
Hardware version: H13
Serial number: 63381000003755
ODX version: 013056
Long coding: 56046A9956246A71527F6C0936C465A64A520B558AC8670821BCB635019FF900002814

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

08 Air Conditioning

System description: Climatronic
Software number: 5WA907727AD
Software version: 0440
Hardware number: 5WA907727AD
Hardware version: H02
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_ACClimaBHBVW38X
ODX version: 005069
Long coding: 000000240211120010100010101011110000112100200000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

09 Central Electrics

System description: BCM37w_M1
Software number: 5WA937086AF
Software version: 0175
Hardware number: 5WA937086M
Hardware version: 028
Serial number: BXJ53F29012294060328
ODX name: EV_BCM37w
ODX version: 007001

Trouble codes:
U112100 - Databus missing message
Date: 2023-09-07 14:30:01
Mileage: 30122 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 40
Terminal 15 status: Off
Terminal 50 status: Off
Engine running: Off
Status of brake lamp switch, discrete: Off
Brake lamp switch via CAN, status: Off
Voltage: 13.6 V
Outside air temperature: 27.0 °C
Light switch position: Automatic
B12DB01 - Lock unit for central locking, rear, left Electrical error
Date: 2023-09-09 20:18:02
Mileage: 30190 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 38
Terminal 15 status: On
Terminal 50 status: Off
Engine running: On
Status of brake lamp switch, discrete: Off
Brake lamp switch via CAN, status: Off
Voltage: 13.1 V
Outside air temperature: 20.0 °C
Light switch position: Automatic
B12DC01 - Lock unit for central locking, rear, right Electrical error
Date: 2023-09-09 20:18:02
Mileage: 30190 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 38
Terminal 15 status: On
Terminal 50 status: Off
Engine running: On
Status of brake lamp switch, discrete: Off
Brake lamp switch via CAN, status: Off
Voltage: 13.1 V
Outside air temperature: 20.0 °C
Light switch position: Automatic
C10CA00 - Limp home active
Date: 2023-09-07 15:03:03
Mileage: 30122 km
Priority: 1
Malfunction frequency counter: 10
Unlearning counter: 39
Terminal 15 status: Off
Terminal 50 status: Off
Engine running: Off
Status of brake lamp switch, discrete: Off
Brake lamp switch via CAN, status: Off
Voltage: 12.8 V
Outside air temperature: 26.0 °C
Light switch position: Automatic

13 Adaptive Cruise Control

System description: ACC Bosch MQB
Software number: 5WA907572B
Software version: 0395
Hardware number: 5WA907572
Hardware version: H20
ODX version: 004017
Long coding: 0E0308FF407740451247400000400004AE4020000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

14 Wheel Dampening

System description: DAEMPFUNGS-SG
Software number: 1EA907376C
Software version: 0457
Hardware number: 1EA907376
Hardware version: H05
Serial number: 2C767324121409210566
ODX version: 002006

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

15 Airbag

System description: VW40Airbag
Software number: 1EA959655DM
Software version: 0176
Hardware number: 1EA959655DM
Hardware version: 010
Serial number: W045QbE0261
ODX name: EV_AirbaVW40ALVVW38X
ODX version: 001012
Long coding: 88CC008000C0C000000000000000000051540000205400004000F68000130065

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

17 Dashboard

System description: KOMBI
Software number: 5FA920790B
Software version: 5356
Hardware number: 5FA920790B
Hardware version: 220
ODX name: EV_DashBoardVDDMQB37W
ODX version: 003033
Long coding: 04AE04413B9C00080181720B2000080800300000

Trouble codes:
U105400 - Information electronics control module 1 No Communication
Date: 2023-09-08 17:18:07
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 215
U112100 - Databus missing message
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:21
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 215
B184C00 - Release active
Date: 2022-08-06 21:55:08
Mileage: 7296 km
Priority: 3
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 5
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:21
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 215
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-07 14:29:19
Mileage: 30122 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 171

19 Gateway

System description: GW2020 High
Software number: 5WA907530Q
Software version: 7099
Hardware number: 5WA907530G
Hardware version: 756
Serial number: 77104905002203302868
ODX name: EV_GatewMQB2020
ODX version: 005011
Long coding: 0000808D0F00000000000000012303127101610B02000100030100000001010000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
U10E100 - Emergency-call module No communication
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:20
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
U123100 - Ethernet databus branch 6 No communication
Date: 2023-09-08 17:14:46
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
U140600 - Static current too high
Date: 2023-09-08 22:45:37
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 5
Malfunction frequency counter: 2
Unlearning counter: 39
B1802F1 - NV-Energy management Alarm triggered
Date: 2023-09-08 08:36:23
Mileage: 30130 km
Priority: 3
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 34
---: 126
U105000 - Battery monitoring control module No Communication
Date: 2023-09-08 08:36:23
Mileage: 30130 km
Priority: 4
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 34

22 All Wheel Control

System description: 4Motion
Software number: 5WA907554M
Software version: 0657
Hardware number: 5WA525130
Hardware version: H65
Serial number: HA1-00030.11.2100061464
ODX name: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X
ODX version: 005001
Long coding: 0001

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

23 Brake Boost

System description: EBKV
Software number: 5WA909059Q
Software version: 0309
Hardware number: 3Q0909059D
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: BPA08512012201307664
ODX name: EV_BrakeBoostG2BoschVW37W
ODX version: 016028
Long coding: 5003C5009600007BEFBDF7DE000049922449922400

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

2B Steering Column Lock

System description: ELV-MQBB
Software number: 2Q0905861B
Software version: 0040
Hardware number: 2Q0905861B
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: 21000343025003
ODX version: 002004
Long coding: 8800000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

36 Driver Seat

System description: MEM-FS
Software number: 5WA959760H
Software version: 0362
Hardware number: 5WA959760H
Hardware version: 009
Serial number: 21C1201KA01361
ODX name: EV_SCMDriveSideCONTIAU736
ODX version: 006013
Long coding: 01589A000000A0408803010101010000000000212100000000000000215000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

3C Lane Change Assistant Right

System description: HRE_Master
Software number: 2Q0907686E
Software version: 0284
Hardware number: 2Q0907686E
Hardware version: H25
Serial number: 00000591032913
ODX name: EV_HREntryHellaGen3Mstr
ODX version: 001015
Long coding: 5A9545D0

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

42 Driver Door

System description: TSG FS
Software number: 5Q4959593P
Software version: 0912
Hardware number: 5Q4959593P
Hardware version: 011
Serial number: 0000457699212
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 00351020D200020000001020

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

44 Steering Assistance

System description: BASGEN1MQB37
Software number: 5WA907145G
Software version: 1040
Hardware number: 5WA907145C
Hardware version: 502
Serial number: 00839097
ODX name: EV_SteerAssisBASGEN1MQB37
ODX version: 007046
Long coding: 0000000000000001000102010100010000000101010101

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

47 Sound System

System description: AMPeth12C
Software number: 5H0035456A
Software version: 4316
Hardware number: 5H0035456A
Hardware version: H06
Serial number: A1129C00091106
ODX name: EV_AMPEthMQB37w
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 43800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

52 Passenger Door

System description: TSG BFS
Software number: 5Q4959592P
Software version: 0912
Hardware number: 5Q4959592P
Hardware version: 011
Serial number: 0000459933383
ODX version: 001005
Long coding: 00351020DE00020000001020

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

5F Multimedia

System description: MU-O-ND-EU
Software number: 5FA035862S
Software version: 1940
Hardware number: 5FA035862A
Hardware version: H58
Serial number: WG8LGM17012200012958
ODX version: 001002
Long coding: 43161000000180000000000000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:25
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
BAP: 0
Voltage terminal 30: 12.5 V
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:25
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
BAP: 0
Voltage terminal 30: 12.5 V
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:25
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:22
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
Voltage terminal 30: 12.5 V
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:22
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37
Voltage terminal 30: 12.5 V
U111000 - Function restriction due to communication interruption
Date: 2023-09-08 17:15:22
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 37

6C Rear View Camera

System description: RV eCompact
Software number: 5WA980556D
Software version: 0344
Hardware number: 5WA980556B
Hardware version: H30
Serial number: FCLK2003022201014826
ODX name: EV_CamSysRVCCompaFicos
ODX version: 010024
Long coding: 04033220843000

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

75 Telematics

System description: OCU3HMQB37W
Software number: 5WA035284F
Software version: 0144
Hardware number: 5WA035284C
Hardware version: H12
Serial number: 0000000109VISMA64622
ODX version: 002012
Long coding: 043160009068AC209025460061502E07

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

76 Parking Assistance

System description: PLA 12 Kanal
Software number: 5WA919298B
Software version: 0578
Hardware number: 5WA919298
Hardware version: H05
Serial number: 00003101229558030623
ODX name: EV_EPHBO2CVW3800000
ODX version: 002028
Long coding: 8200026011

Trouble codes:
U112100 - Databus missing message
Mileage: 30178 km
Priority: 6
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 36

A5 Driver Assistance

System description: MQB MFK 3.0
Software number: 5WA980653C
Software version: 3302
Hardware number: 5WA980653
Hardware version: H09
Serial number: E8264570422019003118
ODX name: EV_MFK3ValeoMQB
ODX version: 005050
Long coding: 00030898216CC040109540801020002000418000000000000000000000000000

Trouble codes:
B2F0100 - Development code 1
Date: 2023-09-08 08:27:58
Mileage: 30123 km
Priority: 9
Malfunction frequency counter: 1
Unlearning counter: 0

A9 Structure Borne Sound

System description: SAS-GEN 2.5
Software number: 5FF907159D
Software version: 0001
Hardware number: 4K0907159
Hardware version: H08
Serial number: 220110290278
ODX name: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X
ODX version: 003010

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

B7 Start System Interface

System description: Kessy IOBOX
Software number: 5WA959436J
Software version: 0725
Hardware number: 5WA959436J
Hardware version: 100
Serial number: --------------------
ODX name: EV_Kessy37w
ODX version: 004024

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

CA Sunroof

System description: SAD_STG_1
Software number: 4K0907594AC
Software version: 0002
Hardware number: 4K0907594
Hardware version: 006
ODX name: EV_SunRoofCONTIAU736
ODX version: 009011
Long coding: 608040531632

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

D6 LED Module Left

System description: LED1L
Software number: 992941571AE
Software version: 9202
Hardware number: 992941571A
Hardware version: H08
ODX version: 001003

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found

D7 LED Module Right

System description: LED1R
Software number: 992941571AE
Software version: 9202
Hardware number: 992941571A
Hardware version: H08
ODX version: 001003

Trouble codes:
No trouble codes found


Re: Aktualizacje

: 12 wrz 2023, 18:18
autor: MacGul
Dzięki za listę, 09 mam 159 :)
Pod koniec września jadę na wymianę oleju - zobaczymy czy ktoś się zorientuje ze mam 1940 albo zaproponuje update ;)

Re: Aktualizacje

: 12 wrz 2023, 20:16
autor: rsmiech
Wiec jesli telematyka 75, czyli w zasadzie modul SOS, albo raczej moduł śledzenia i pernamentnej inwigilacji (zintegrowany z wewn. karta sim, internetem, pozycjonowaniem gps, parametrami silnika, skrzyni, dostępem do VIN, itp.) została zaktualizowana orzez OTA, to tylko czekać jak obywatelom zalegajacym np. z rata leasingową, albo tym, co przez OBD11 aktywowali sobie funkcje, za które nie zapłacili, albo tym co sobie momentu i koni poddawali i skrzynię DSG zestroili tak, że 4 krowy puszczajace bąki, trzeba jakoś humanitarnie "ogarnąć" żeby ekwiwalent emisji CO2 się zgadzał, do porządku przywoływać będą: np. poprzez wywołanie niespodziewanych awarii typu "zgłoś się do serwusu." Xd.

Re: Aktualizacje

: 15 wrz 2023, 12:16
autor: MacGul
Na szczęście Jeszcze użytkownik musi "sam" kliknąć "aktualizuj" ;)
Ale na poważnie to po to jest zdalny dostęp - mapy nawigacji już tak dostajemy. To jest już teraz tylko decyzja producenta ze tak robi.

Re: Aktualizacje

: 15 wrz 2023, 14:24
autor: KiMCIO
MacGul pisze: 15 wrz 2023, 12:16 Na szczęście Jeszcze użytkownik musi "sam" kliknąć "aktualizuj" ;)
Ale na poważnie to po to jest zdalny dostęp - mapy nawigacji już tak dostajemy. To jest już teraz tylko decyzja producenta ze tak robi.
Wszystko już mnie tak śledzi, ze zaczynam mieć to w 4 literach, a klikam aktualizuj, żeby załatali dziury i bugi. Chcesz być nie śledzony? Telefon połóż z dala, płac gotówka, jeździ rowerem ;-)

Wcale mi ta inwigilacja się nie podoba, szczególnie, ze jest raport n.t handlowania danymi użytkowników (ich preferencji i stylu jazdy) i seat jest w czołówce (czyli najwiecej tym handlują).